How to Find Jobs as a Session Artist

Jacob Benjamin Fite
3 min readJan 19, 2023


You have the potential to make money as a session musician. This is so that you may bill by the hour, network, and advertise yourself in the music business. How can you locate work, though, and get paid?

One of the most crucial aspects of being a musician is promotion. It can be difficult to get your music heard by new people, but the digital age makes it simpler.

Social media is a useful tool for singer-songwriter self-promotion. Posting spontaneous music, studio shots of oneself, or sharing performance images are all options. You might even be invited to perform at a nearby location if you have a sizable fan base.

Use hashtags to locate your target demographic on social media. For instance, you might want to follow the hashtag #countrymusic if you’re a country singer. People that enjoy that genre might also enjoy your music, and they might be able to introduce you to others who are on the lookout for new artists.

A dedicated website can be helpful for presenting your work and giving your fan base a place to contact you. Having a website can be beneficial when promoting your next record.

You need to be able to network if you want to work as a session musician. Although it might be challenging to enter the music business, it is a collaborative environment where collaborating with other artists can help you create amazing songs.

Networking opportunities exist with performers, studios, promoters, labels, venues, and fans. Make sure to engage in networking by going to various events, such as open-mic nights. You can develop your professional portfolio by exercising and understanding networking techniques.

Take your time and strategically network when you are initially starting out. It can be detrimental to take on a lousy job, but if you conduct yourself with professionalism and humility, you can develop a solid reputation.

When you are well-known, others will begin to return your favors. This may help you score more gigs or maybe find employment. You should exercise caution while accepting tasks for which you don’t have enough time to prepare.

A large audience can be reached and new admirers can be gained by using social media. You can utilize social media, whether you are a band or a solo artist, to attract new followers and persuade them to come to your next performance.

You can join forums and networking sites in addition to advertising your band online to establish contacts and meet people in the music business. It is no secret that social media marketing is a flourishing business, with 3.6 billion people expected to be online by the year 2020.

Tweeting about your event on Facebook and Twitter is a wonderful start, but you can take it a step further by incorporating links to the band’s website and a purchase portal. You can even win over the crowd by giving out a few things for free.

You must invest time in creating and maintaining your social media sites if you want to get the most out of your efforts. This can entail planning posts for your band’s best times.

Knowing how to bill hourly is crucial if you work as a session musician. You will be compensated in this manner for your time. Additionally, you can avoid overdubbing and focus on your work.

There are several ways you might get paid for your job. While some musicians choose to use flat fees, others prefer to use union rates. In order to easily negotiate your fees, it’s best to obtain a formal contract, regardless of your preference.

In a document called the Tariff of Fees, a starting charge is specified for both musical performances and non-performance labor. It usually has two to three pages and includes costs for soundchecks, practice sessions, mastering, and other things.

Depending on the type of music you play and how long a gig will last, session musicians’ charges can vary substantially. A session musician often charges between $40 and $60 per hour. If you’re a solo artist, this sum can be decreased; if you’re in a band, it can be raised.



Jacob Benjamin Fite

Ohio musician Jacob Benjamin Fite. Jacob Benjamin played guitar since he was 10 years old. Jacob plays guitar, keyboard, and drums.